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Biblical Perfection

In the sermon on the mount Jesus said, “Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). When readers of English translations see such a startling statement, they may be discouraged. Very few people believe themselves to be perfect, but thankfully, the original language of the New Testament reveals that Jesus did not expect His followers to be flawless, but to be complete and mature. Evangelist Roger Boone delivers an excellent overview of the Bible’s teaching on perfection.

Biblical Perfection MP3 Link

The Sanctity of Truth Q&A MP3

Today we present the question and answer session that followed the presentation given by Shahe Gergian on The Sanctity of Truth.

The Sanctity of Truth Q&A MP3 Link

The Sanctity of Truth

Jesus said His disciples would let their ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and their ‘no’ be ‘no’ (Matthew 5:37). This statement from the Master reflects a long-standing moral norm God has always demanded of His people – total and complete honesty. In the modern era, the sanctity of truth-telling has been questioned by ethicists who teach there are occasion where it is permissible, even obligatory, that people should lie. Evangelist Shahe Gergian examines this issue and looks to the word of God for answers and clarity.
The Sanctity of Truth MP3 Link

God’s Rest In Hebrews 4 Q&A

Today we present the question and answer session that followed the main presentation.
God’s Rest in Hebrews 4 Q&A MP3 Link

God’s Rest In Hebrews

“There remains therefore a rest for the people of God” (Hebrews 4:9). The Israelites blessed by God’s redemptive work in the Exodus all died in the desert. Sin and rebellion kept them from entering the promised land of rest. Likewise, the Hebrew writer tells us that Christians can be in danger of missing the eternal rest God grants unto the faithful. Evangelist Smith Bibens guides us through this great theme of Scripture as he exhorts us to learn from history as we sojourn through this life towards our final destination.
God’s Rest In Hebrews MP3 Link