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Having Nailed It To The Cross Q&A

Today we present the question and answer session that followed the main presentation.

Having Nailed It To The Cross MP3 Link

Having Nailed It To The Cross

The closing phrase of Colossians 2:14 is: “having nailed it to the cross.” However, depending on which translation of the New Testament you are reading, it is very difficult to determine exactly what Jesus nailed to that old rugged tree. Evangelist Nate Bibens gives us an exposition of this passage and considers some of the interpretive options.

Having Nailed It To The Cross MP3 Link

Do Christians Worship Jesus Q&A

Today we post the Q&A session that followed the main presentation of “Do Christians Worship Jesus?”
Do Christians Worship Jesus? Q&A MP3 Link

Do Christians Worship Jesus?

Since Cain and Abel the subject of how to appropriately worship God has been one of the controlling themes of God’s word. In today’s presentation, Bart Shaw tackles the question: Do Christians worship Jesus? The immediate and reflexive answer from most Christians is. “Well, of course, we do! Jesus is God!” At the same time, there is the tenuous hint of controversy lingering around this subject making it worthy of a detailed examination of scripture.

Clarification: It has been brought to my attention that a few people have misunderstood my presentation given March 12th concerning the question ‘Do We Worship Christ?’ As I stated in the presentation multiple times and in the follow-up monthly periodical (April Landmark Messenger). I do believe that Jesus is Divine (God the Son) and that the church does indeed worship Christ.

There are two statements in my audio sermon that have caused consternation to some. “We are never told to worship Jesus not a single time” and “The church is never commanded to worship Jesus not a single time. ” My purpose in making these statements was to point out that the four Greek words I mentioned in the sermon are not used to describe worship of Jesus in the New Testament.

It has been pointed out by an able expositor that we worship Jesus by calling on His name (Acts 22:16). This is an act of worship and I certainly agree with this sentiment. We need to be sure that we do not worship the Father to the exclusion of God the Son.

I hope this allays any misunderstanding. Anyone who has any questions can contact me directly at –Bart Shaw

Do Christians Worship Christ? MP3 Link

After you’ve enjoyed this presentation (and the Q&A which will be posted April 13), watch for supplemental information concerning this all-important topic to be featured in our monthly electronic periodical, Landmark Messenger. The paper is completely free and you can sign-up for it at this link:

Landmark Messenger Sign Up Page

The Transfiguration Q&A

Today we post the question and answer session that followed evangelist Jerry Dickinson’s presentation on the transfiguration.

The Transfiguration Q&A MP3 Link