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Baptizing the Secretary of the Treasury

Acts 8 records an incredible event where God called upon a preacher named Philip to intercept an Ethiopian man in the middle of nowhere as he was traveling home. The two met on the highway and struck up a conversation about ancient prophecy. Excitement ensued and this sermon from evangelist Jerry Dickinson captures every wonderful moment.

Baptizing the Secretary of the Treasury MP3 Link

Fake News!

The expression “fake news” is bandied about popular culture today, however, the concept of misinformation is as old as time itself. In this sermon from evangelist Jerry Dickinson, we’re taught that there is a lot of fake news being spread about the Lord’s church and consequently people have misconceptions about the churches of Christ and what they believe.

Fake News MP3 Download Link

The Wine Question Revisited

In honor of the 2018 Mid-Mid MO Bible Study starting next week, today we revisit a classic 2012 Bennie Cryer sermon on the ‘wine question’. Specifically, are Christians to use unfermented wine (grape juice) in the communion cup or should they use fermented wine? If you have ever wondered about this subject this sermon is for you! We hope you enjoy! At the bottom of the page are links to Q&A session that followed the main presentation.

The Wine Question MP3 Link

The Wine Question Q&A MP3 Link

Tools and Techniques of Evangelism

Tools and Techniques of Evangelism MP3 Download Link
In today’s post, evangelist Brett Hickey gives Christians pointers on how to share the glorious gospel with the people around us.
For the Q&A that followed the main presentation, please visit the following links:

Tools and Techniques of Evangelism Q&A MP3 Link

Answering Egalitarian Arguments

Since the 1980’s, there has been a strong push among religious groups to ordain women as church officers. The plea is for egalitarianism, or equity, among the genders. The most oft passage used to promote this idea is Galatians 3:28 which says that in Christ “there is neither male nor female.” Evangelist Ron Courter expertly evaluates this movement with special emphasis on how to understand Galatians 3 and the culture’s influence on the Lord’s church.
Answering Egalitarian Arguments MP3 Link

For the Q&A that followed the main presentation, please visit the following links:

Answering Egalitarian Arguments Q&A MP3 Link