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4 Ways To Miss Heaven

Polling data shows that most Americans believe they will go to Heaven when they die. However, the Bible warns us that simply being a “decent person” is not enough to be accepted by the Lord. In fact, there are a number of ways a person can live a good life and still be condemned on the day of judgment.

Four Ways To Miss Heaven MP3 Link

Christian Certainties

Few things in life are certain. Each new day brings challenges and perils. But for Christians, the apostle John says there are some things we can know with firm confidence. Evangelist Frank Brancato explains Christian certainties, giving encouragement and comfort to all those who are in Christ.

Christian Certainties MP3 Link

Faith of a Mustard Seed

Jesus was the master of illustrations. He knew exactly how to explain beautiful spiritual concepts using commonly understand physical realities. In this sermon from evangelist Frank Brancato, we see how a tiny seed is the perfect metaphor for the kind of faith God expects of those who seek Him.

Faith of A Mustard Seed MP3 Link

Going The Distance

It’s easy to start, but often challenging to finish. This is true in many aspects of life, but especially when it comes to being a Christian. The word of God provides believers some tools to ensure, as evangelist Frank Brancato preaches in this sermon, we can go the distance with Jesus.
Going The Distance MP3 Link

Three Would-Be Followers

Why might a person not follow Jesus? What could prevent someone from becoming His disciple? The Lord described three common excuses given by those who fail to become Christians, and in this sermon, evangelist Frank Brancato explains these would-be followers.
Three Would-Be Followers MP3 Link