There is a difference between listening and hearing, and this is especially true when receiving the word of God. The Lord expects people to hear the Holy Scriptures in a particular fashion described in this sermon from evangelist Frank Brancato, preached at an outdoor mission meeting in Centralia, MO. Take Heed How You Hear MP3 Link
Paul’s short letter to Philemon is a case study in forgiveness. Philemon was a wealthy Christian and associate of the apostle whose slave named Onesimus had run away, but later obeyed the gospel. So from his prison cell, Paul wrote to his brother-in-Christ, Philemon, petitioning him to do the right thing, forgiving Onesimus and receiving him with the love of Christ. Forgiving A Runaway Slave MP3 Link
In this first sermon from Frank Brancato’s gospel series, we are reminded of the sovereignty of God, especially in relation to the events of Christ’s burial. Christians often rightly emphasize the Lord’s death and resurrection, but it is important not to miss that which came between when Jesus was buried in a rich man’s tomb. Buried in A Rich Man’s Tomb MP3 Link
What kind of fruit are you bearing for Jesus? Is religion merely ornamental and ritual, or does your faith genuinely impact the way you live? In this powerful sermon from evangelist Kevin Presley, we are reminded that Christianity is more than a label, it is a lifestyle that is manifested in who we are and how we behave. Counterfeit Christianity MP3 Link