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What will become of our Dreams?

The church needs goals. Every individual Christian, every family, and every congregation need to look to the future and make preparations for the work ahead of them. Evangelist Rick Martin emphasizes our goal-setting obligations in this sermon.

What Will Become of Our Dreams? MP3 Link

Feeling the Presence of God

It is quite common today to hear religious people talk about feeling the presence of God in their lives. Some say one church has the presence of the Lord while another does not. In this sermon from evangelist Austin McConnell, we learn about such attitudes towards Christianity and whether or not they are Biblical.
Feeling the Presence of God MP3 Link

Redeeming Our Time

The way Christians use the time reflects on their priorities. It is so easy, in this modern world filled with endless distractions at our fingertips, to be carried away to frivolity while neglecting our responsibilities to the Lord and His kingdom. Evangelist Dennis Smith reminds us to be watchful and diligent in the proper use of our time.
Redeeming Our Time MP3 Link

The Parable of the Talents

In one of the final parables Jesus ever delivered, the Master laid out His high expectations for those who serve Him. Jesus likened His followers to stewards who are entrusted with great riches. When the Master returns after a season, He will call His servants forward and ask them what profit they have made on His behalf. In this sermon from Terry Studdard, we learn of the high bar set by the Lord for those who call on His name.
The Parable of the Talents MP3 Link

For God So Loved The World

For God So Loved The World MP3 Link
In the golden text of the Bible, the Savior said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). It is vitally important that students of the Scriptures understand the full meaning and import of these word, thus evangelist Nate Bibens helps our appreciation of the incredible statement Jesus made so long ago.