Genesis is foundational in understanding the plan, purpose, and love of Almighty God. This new series seeks to trace the work of God as a manifestation of the outpouring of His matchless love toward humanity to be ultimately perfected in the person of Jesus Christ.
In 2020, the Christian’s Expositor Journal published a series of articles relating to the eldership. Nate Bibens called upon over a dozen preachers and elders to contribute articles relating to the nature, work, and mostly, the qualifications of elders. These articles were well written and worthy of much consideration, so we asked Nate if he would let us produce audio recordings of the series and he agreed. Over the next several months we plan to release one audio article per week for all our listeners out there and we’re very excited about it.
We want to acknowledge that there is historic controversy about some of the elder qualifications and the views expressed by the authors of these articles may not reflect the views of those associated with Christian Landmark, but we still believe them worthy of study, so we hope you will enjoy and share.
As is the custom between services on the final day of the meeting, the brethren get together and sing songs of praise. The love of songs, hymns, and spiritual songs has been a defining feature of the members of the Lord’s church for quite some time and it is on display on this final day of 2019. This is our last post from the 2019 NYM. We hope you enjoy!