After his presentation on the New Testament usage of the expression ‘But I Say’ (Ego De Lego), evangelist Roger Boone fields some questions from the audience.
In this enlightening sermon, evangelist Roger Boone discusses the Old Testament scriptural usage of the expression “Thus Sayeth The Lord” and compares it to the New Testament expression “But I Say.” We hope you enjoy!
Please enjoy the Q&A session that followed evangelist Richard Bunner’s presentation on “The Jewish Nature of the Early Church” at the 2020 Mid-Missouri Study.
In this fascinating sermon, evangelist Richard Bunner considers the transition period in the Church between the day of Pentecost and the Destruction of Jerusalem. During this early church period, some Jewish Christian customs and practices overlapped with the Gentile brethren.
In this Q&A that followed evangelist David Griffin’s presentation on ‘The Meaning of Heresy’, several thought-provoking questions about the subject are answered. We hope you enjoy!