Evangelist Ronny Wade preached on the television program Let the Bible Speak for several decades. During that time, he presented a series of studies entitled: “12 Reasons Why You Should Investigate The Church Of Christ.” Those lessons were later converted into a booklet and we are thrilled to present Dr. Wade’s excellent material in this new digital format. We hope it will be a blessing to all Bible students.
Reason 10 is all about worship — especially how innovations have changed the worship of the New Testament and why such innovations should be opposed.
Various religious bodies are organized with all kinds of authority structures, however, as reason 11 reveals, the organization of the church is simple with every congregation being independently governed.
The Bible tells us that in this life there are foolish acts and foolish people. How can a Christian avoid being a fool? In this sermon, evangelist Richard Bunner gives some sage scriptural advice on how to be a wise person. We hope you enjoy!
Evangelist Ronny Wade preached on the television program Let the Bible Speak for several decades. During that time, he presented a series of studies entitled: “12 Reasons Why You Should Investigate The Church Of Christ.” Those lessons were later converted into a booklet and we are thrilled to present Dr. Wade’s excellent material in this new digital format. We hope it will be a blessing to all Bible students.
Reason eight focuses on two doctrines which, though greatly popularized by many preachers, have no basis in the Bible. The ninth reason to consider the Church of Christ deals with the controversial but vitally important subject of baptism.
The word propitiation is used in the Bible in connection with Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for our sins and is used in four verses: Romans 3:25,  Hebrews 2:17,  1 John 2:2; and 1 John 4:10. In this enlightening sermon, evangelist Matt Trent discusses the meaning of the word propitiation and how the Lord is our atonement.
Evangelist Ronny Wade preached on the television program Let the Bible Speak for several decades. During that time, he presented a series of studies entitled: “12 Reasons Why You Should Investigate The Church Of Christ.” Those lessons were later converted into a booklet and we are thrilled to present Dr. Wade’s excellent material in this new digital format. Today we present reasons 5, 6, and 7.
Reason number five examines the differences between the common teachings among Denominations and what the Bible actually says.
The sixth reason to investigate the Church of Christ focuses on correct day for Christians to assemble and worship God and whether or not Christians should generally look to the Old Testament as a binding law.
Finally, reason number seven considers how innovation in everyday life may be harmless, but changing God’s divine plan is another matter entirely. Members of the Church of Christ do their best to oppose religious innovation.