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Works Q&A

Please enjoy this question and answer session following evangelist Brian Burns’ presentation on Biblical works.

Works Q&A MP3 Link


For centuries, Christian thinkers have wrestled with trying to balance two ideas taught in the New Testament: (1) salvation is by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9); and (2) salvation is “not by faith only” but also includes works (James 2:24). Evangelist Brian Burns helps to guide us through how to harmonize these seemingly competing concepts in an easy-to-follow and simplistic approach that will surely be a benefit to all Bible students.

“Works” by Brian Burns MP3 Link

Laying On Of Hands

The Hebrew letter includes “the doctrine… of laying on of hands” in a list of “elementary principles of Christ” (Hebrews 6:1-2). There is much confusion and discussion as to what “laying on of hands” might be. Evangelist Richard Bunner helps to give us a better understanding of this topic and its basis in the Old Testament.

Laying On Of Hands MP3 Link

Strengthening The Family Q&A

Please enjoy this question and answer session which followed evangelist Greg Gay’s presentation on how to strengthen Christian families.

Strengthening the Family Q&A MP3 Link

Strengthening The Family

Evangelist Greg Gay

Strong Christian families are the backbone of the church. Many of the shortcomings we see in our congregations can be directly linked to spiritually weak and immature families. Evangelist Greg Gay provides some excellent counsel and material in this presentation from the 2018 OKC Preacher’s Study on how husbands and wives/fathers and mothers can grow in their love and dedication to the Lord.

Strengthening The Family — Greg Gay MP3 Link