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The Work Of The Holy Spirit In The Old Testmament Q&A

Please enjoy the question and answer session which followed Evangelist Smith Bibens presentation on the Holy Spirit’s work in the days of the Old Testament.

The Work of The Holy Spirit in The Old Testament Q&A MP3 Link

The Work of The Holy Spirit In The Old Testment

Evangelist Smith Bibens is an excellent scholar and Bible teacher. At the 2018 OKC Preacher’s Study, he introduced the topic of the Holy Spirit’s work in the Old Testament. Many people view the Holy Spirit as being primarily active in the church age, but as Smith demonstrates, He has been working in the world since creation itself.

The Work of The Holy Spirit in The Old Testament MP3 Link

Dispensations In The Bible Q&A

Today we present the Q&A that followed the presentation on “Dispensations in the Bible” by Juan Rodriguez, Jr.

Dispensations in the Bible Q&A MP3 Link

Dispensations In The Bible

Most of us have noticed that our Bibles are divided into two major sections: the Old and New Testaments, but did you realize that this distinction reveals more than just a way to break up the book. throughout Biblical history, God has worked in the world in a variety of ways which is reflected in a number of Biblical dispensations. Evangelist Juan Rodriguez, Jr. presented this vitally important topic at the 2018 OKC Preacher’s Study.

Dispensations In The Bible MP3 Link

Types and Antitypes In The Bible Q&A

Please enjoy the question and answer session which followed Bobby Cunningham’s presentation on Biblical typology from the 2018 OKC Preacher’s Study.

Types and Antitypes in the Bible Q&A MP3 Link