In the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord Jesus famously said, “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:1). This statement, taken totally out of context, has been used by some to allege that Christians are never allowed to make any type of judgement. Evangelist David Griffin guides us through the teaching of Jesus and His apostles on this sensitive topic.
The Lord expects His people to be busy in His service. Christians are the medium through which Jesus is seen in the world and that means there is much that depends on the individual effort of believers. Evangelist Jimmy Cating reminds us of our responsibilities as workers for Christ.
God has blessed His creation with time and opportunity. How we use that time is up to us. Sadly, many squander the precious moments we have on this earth, but as Evangelist Jonathan Bunner reminds us, time is a gift we need to take more seriously.
Evangelist Brett Hickey discusses the importance of elevating our view of marriage and working diligently to improve relationships between spouses. God has blessed us with the bonds of matrimony and it is our job to ensure those bonds are sound.
The gospel records include a number of instances where Jesus called upon men and women to become a disciple. On one occasion, the Lord walked by a man’s tax booth and simply said, “Follow Me” (Mark 2:14). That man was Matthew and he became one of Christ’s hand-picked apostles. Learn more about his conversion from evangelist Nate Bibens.