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Alan Bonifay – The Dating of Revelation

Alan Bonifay – The Dating of Revelation In this fascinating study, Brother Alan Bonifay expounds upon the various theories regarding when the book of Revelation was written and why it is relevant for Christians to understand. Alan Bonifay - The Dating of Revelation MP Link...

AK Richardson – Universalism

AK Richardson – Universalism Brother AK Richardson looks at the doctrine of universalism (the doctrine that teaches that everyone will eventually be saved), its origins, and the verses that are commonly used to defend it. A.K. Richardson - Universalism MP3 Link  ...

Roger Boone -Filthy Language Q&A

Roger Boone -Filthy Language Q&A Brother Roger Boone tackles difficult practical questions on speech and language in the Q&A session that followed his presentation. Roger Boone Filthy Language Q&A MP3 Link

Roger Boone – Filthy Language

Roger Boone – Filthy Language Brother Roger Boone shares what it means to take the Lord's name in vain as well as the meaning of "filthy language" and "coarse jesting". Roger Boone - Filthy Language MP3 Link