Daniel Smith: 2019 Alabama NYM “From Sheep to Shepherds”
https://youtu.be/6ri1Z1l2NbY In this lesson, brother Daniel Smith discusses what middle-aged Christians in particular need to be doing now so that the church of tomorrow can have scriptural leadership. Daniel Smith: 2019 Alabama NYM "From Sheep to Shepherds" MP3 Link...
Matthew Barnes: 2019 Alabama NY’s Meeting
https://youtu.be/OTyI5BI8G-k Evangelist Matthew Barnes continues the theme of biblical leadership by highlighting the example of Moses. Matthew Barnes: 2019 Alabama New Year's Meeting MP3 Link
Todd Risinger: 2019 Alabama NYM
https://youtu.be/mxU0KSlG-V8 Todd Risinger, in keeping with the theme of the meeting of biblical leadership, talks about what it takes to be a shepherd. Todd Risinger 2019 Alabama NYM: "From Sheep to Shepherds" MP3 Link
Shahe Gergian – Abraham: God’s Friend (Lesson 18)
https://youtu.be/9l3Ko61BJHM We have come to the end! In our last lesson we examine the nature and meaning of the expression which serves as the title of this series: what does it mean that Abraham was God's friend? Shahe Gergian - Abraham: God's Friend (Lesson 18)...
Landon Hughes: 2019 Alabama NYM: “Sheep to Shepherds”
https://youtu.be/es29nwDEbps Brother Landon Hughes is the first speaker from the second night of the meeting. In this lesson, he uses the accounts from the book of Nehemiah to show how we can grow strong congregations today. Landon Hughes: 2019 Alabama NYM MP3 Link...
Shahe Gergian – Abraham: God’s Friend (Lesson 17)
https://youtu.be/7_c6qyomIM4 Having considered how Abraham is prominently featured in Luke/Acts, it's now time to consider Abraham in one of Paul's earliest letters. Galatians was written during the height of the Judaizing controversy, and Paul called upon the...
Shahe Gergian – Abraham: God’s Friend (Lesson 16)
https://youtu.be/2Ln_0GfGp1I How is Abraham discussed in the New Testament? The last three lessons in this series will address that question, starting with Abraham in the writing's of the evangelist Luke. Shahe Gergian - Abraham: God's Friend (Lesson 16) MP3...
Roger Owens: 2019 Alabama NYM “From Sheep to Shepherd”
https://youtu.be/A3EcgW4GhW8 The 2nd speaker of the 2019 Alabama New Year's Meeting, Brother Roger Owens speaks concerning the importance of leadership in our congregations. Roger Owens: 2019 Alabama NYM "From Sheep to Shepherd" MP3 Link
Shahe Gergian – Abraham: God’s Friend (Lesson 15)
https://youtu.be/XDld4Rl9Kfs Abraham's significance does not end at his death in Genesis 25. His memory, and the covenant God made with him, became the entire undergirding of the long, storied relationship God maintained with Israel. Thus, Abraham is mentioned at key...
2019 Alabama NYM: Austin Maddox: “From Sheep to Shepherd”
https://youtu.be/w2OX0y7Pqb4 From the 2019 Alabama New Year's Meeting with the theme: "From Sheep to Shepherds". Austin Maddox was the first speaker of the meeting and spoke to this theme. 2019 Alabama NYM: Austin Maddox: "From Sheep to Shepherd" MP3 Link