Aaron Studdard – The Danger of Blessings
https://youtu.be/2ntzhGziV5Q Physical blessings sustain us in life and bring us many comforts, but God warns us not to allow such to become snares. Aaron Studdard exhorts Christians to maintain a proper view of material possessions so we do not fall to the dangers of...
Marcus Reppert – Pray and You Will Receive
https://youtu.be/hINXzcs4dkU "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened" (Matthew 7:7-8). The promise of Jesus is...
Glen Osburn – God Is Always Present
https://youtu.be/pCCWbDsxXPo Christians must live with the presence of God in mind. Evangelist Glen Osburn reminds us of how prayer and the spiritual realm work together to bring believers protection and help. Glen Osburn - God Is Always Present MP3 Link...
Rotten Trees Get The Axe
https://youtu.be/8QZaIIgLfrQ The Lord's desire for Israel was that she be like a great, vibrant fruit tree, well watered by the river of God's word, but after centuries of ignoring His sacred commandments, the nation become rotten to the core. Evangelist Shahe Gergian...
Going To The Feet Of Jesus
https://youtu.be/JaOkFdqDT_k Mary of Bethany may seem like a small character in the greater Biblical narrative, but the few verses dedicated to her speak volumes. In this first sermon from the 2019 Tennessee Labor Day meeting, evangelist Nate Bibens admonishes all...
Ronny Wade – The Choices We Make
https://youtu.be/mxHodiXql1s Every life is molded and shaped by choices we make. Sometimes, decisions which seem trivial can impact us in unimaginable ways. In this final sermon from the 2019 Missouri 4th of July Meeting, evangelist Ronny Wade exhorts us to consider...
Brett Hickey – The Pain That Perfects
https://youtu.be/BRXusnSAacQ Pain is the body's natural warning that something is not as it should be. Evangelist Brett Hickey, in seeking to answer the age-old question about why humans suffer, demonstrates God's plan in using the trials and challenges of life to...
What Will It Matter In 40 Billion Years?
https://youtu.be/9aZTDp2YFY8 What is our perspective as Christians? Are we consumed by the trials and struggles of the day, or do we realize and remember that we live in view of a vast eternity? Evangelist Nate Bibens exhorts us to think about our lives with 40...
Aaron Boone – Run The Race
https://youtu.be/m2zFon_eyAg The apostle Paul emphasized the need for the Corinthians to run the Christian race with certainty and fortitude, saying concerning himself, "I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself...
Rick Martin – Young People In God’s Service
https://youtu.be/L8DEH--OGGA Throughout history, God has called upon young men and women of faith to serve Him in unique ways. Evangelist Rick Martin encourages young believers to make the most of their youthful energy for Christ and His glory. Rick Martin - Young...