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History of Sunday School

In this sermon evangelist Ronny Wade discusses one of the most popular institutions in religion today and examines where, when, and why it came into existence. History of Sunday Schools MP3 Link

Peter’s Mistake

In this sermon from Matt Trent, we learn how the Apostle Peter's personal loyalty clouded his judgment,  but also how the Apostle showed humility as he  responded correctly to correction. Now when Peter[a] had come to Antioch, I withstood him to his face, because he...

You Have Destroyed Yourself

It is easy to blame anyone or anything for the problems we face in life. Israel tried to shirk responsibility for the messes they caused, but the old prophet Hosea had a message for them: "O Israel, you have destroyed yourself" (Hosea 13:9). In this sermon, we are...

The Power of One Man

The Power of One Man MP3 Link In this sermon from 2009, evangelist Ronny Wade discusses how one person can have great influence on either good or evil.

Born To Serve The Lord

In this sermon from 2009, evangelist Don King teaches how Samuel was born to serve the Lord. Have you been born again to serve the Lord? Born to serve the LORD MP3 Link

Be An Example in this sermon from the 2016 Oklahoma New Year's Meeting, evangelist Bill Ferguson asks a topical question: "How many rights does a dead man have?" Paul wrote...

The Thief On The Cross

What can we learn from the death of the thief on the cross? In this sermon from evangelist Richard Bunner, we learn that it is possible to be close to Jesus but still be lost. The Thief On The Cross MP3 Link

Daily Spiritual Food

In today's sermon by evangelist Bradley Ballard, we learn that the daily consumption of spiritual food is necessary and vital to the disciple of Christ....


In today's sermon by evangelist Roy Deering we learn that the failure to have a submissive heart is at the root of most of our spiritual problems. Submission by Roy Deering MP3 Link

The Resurrection of the Body

In 1 Corinthians 15, the apostle Paul delivered an exhaustive presentation on the resurrection. He addressed the Corinthian question, "How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?" by describing the nature of the resurrection body, basing his...