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On Either Side One

"Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified. And they took Jesus, and led him away. And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: Where they crucified him, and two other with him,...

Life’s Mistakes Revisited

All people experience a certain amount of shame and regret over past sins. Scripture has much to say about godly and worldly sorrow, and in this sermon evangelist Greg Gay considers some prominent individuals in the Bible who experienced negative consequences of sin....

What Satan Knows

The Bible describes Satan as a ravenous lion who continually stalks and hunts his prey, an archer who launches fiery darts at his enemies, and a deceiver who lures men and women away from God through lusts and pleasures. In this sermon from evangelist Greg Gay, we are...

Bible Basics Part 2

In part two of "Bible Basics," evangelist Greg Gay focuses on two vitally important issues pertaining to how we view and handle the word of God: choosing a proper English translation, and utilizing an appropriate interpretive methodology, also known as hermeneutics....

Bible Basics (Part 1)

How do we view the Bible? Does it contain the revealed truth of God, or is it merely a nice story? These are the questions evangelist Greg Gay challenges us to consider in this first of a two-part series on Bible Basics. Bible Basics MP3 Link


The battle for truth over the origins of the universe and humanity has been raging for centuries. One the one hand are those who say complex human life developed over billions of years by natural selection. On the other, those who look to the Bible's account of...

The Hydrologic Cycle

In this sermon from geologist and evangelist Brent Wilson, we learn how ancient passages from God's word, written thousands of years ago, beautifully and accurately describe complex processes of nature. The Hydrologic Cycle MP3 Link

Who was Jesus?

Holiness or hoax? In this sermon, evangelist Brent Wilson evaluates the evidence for the historical Jesus in an effort to determine if the Biblical Jesus really existed and was who He claimed to be. Who Was Jesus? MP3...


Weighing Biblical history and modern scientific theory can be a difficult task. This is especially true when discussing the age of the earth and the testimony of fossil records. In this sermon, evangelist and geologist Brent Wilson discusses dinosaurs and what their...

They Feared the Lord and served other gods

In today's sermon, evangelist Johnny Elmore teaches how it is possible to "fear God" in a certain sense (i.e. externally), but not to really fear Him deep in the heart where complete obedience is manifested. They feared the Lord and served other gods MP3 Link