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The value of a godly mother can not be overestimated. In this touching sermon, evangelist Billy Dickinson describes those qualities to which every mother should aspire. Motherhood MP3 Link

Is There A Pattern For How To Be Saved?

In the fourth presentation from the 2016 Ozark Memorial meeting, Eric Reiser addresses a very serious subject. Many believe they have adhered to the scriptural plan of salvation but they have not; some even while attending worship services regularly have perhaps...

The Falling Away

In today's presentation from the 2016 Ozark Memorial meeting, Andrew Richardson addresses a subject which has caused great controversy. Paul's second letter to the church in Thessalonica speaks of the apostate “man of sin”. Who is this arrogant rebellious son of...

The Organization of the Church

We are continuing to present sermons from the 2016 Ozark, MO Young Speaker's Meeting which focused on the historical church, the falling away, and restoration. Next is the 'Organization of the Church' by Noah Howard. We hope you enjoy! The Organization of the Church...

The Establishment of the Church

Today we present the first of the sermons from the 2016 Ozark, Missouri Young Speaker's Meeting. First up is Hunter Smith, a member at the Rice Road church of Christ speaking on the establishment of the Lord's church. The Establishment of the Church MP3 Link

Misogyny in the Bible

One of the criticisms against the Bible deals with the treatment of women. It is not uncommon to hear people accuse God of being misogynistic, or hateful towards women, but is this a fair charge? While it is true that men have mistreated women throughout history, what...