The Christian Family: Theological Issues
Greg Gay addresses four difficult questions about the family: (1) What is Paul’s point in Ephesians 5 when he compares the relationship of Christ and the church to husbands and wives? (2) Are Christian couples commanded to have children? (3) What does the Bible say...
The Christian Family: Practical Issues Q&A
Today we post the exciting Q&A session that followed Roger Boone's presentation on the Christian Family: Practical Issues. The Christian Family: Practical Issues Q&A MP3 Link
The Christian Family: Practical Issues
The Bible is a book which teaches one how to be saved from sin and right with God. Additionally, the Bible gives insight into how Christians are to live their everyday lives. This is especially true in matters of the home. In this sermon, Roger Boone shares some...
Congregational Cooperation in Missionary Efforts Q&A
Today we present the Q&A session that followed evangelist Ronny Wade's presentation on Congregational Cooperation in Missionary Efforts. Congregational Cooperation in Missionary Efforts Q&A MP3 Link
Congregational Cooperation in Missionary Efforts
For many years, churches who believe in congregational autonomy, or self-governance, have struggled with the extant to which one congregation can and should work with other congregations, especially in evangelistic efforts. This issue especially pertains to funding...
Blood Sacrifice Q&A
Today we post the Q&A session that followed Billy Dickinson's presentation on 'Blood Sacrifice.' Blood Sacrifice MP3 Link
Blood Sacrifice
Modern sensibilities take offense at the notion that blood is efficacious for sin, however the inspired author of Hebrews wrote: "...without shedding of blood there is no remission." In today's post, evangelist Billy Dickinson demonstrates that a sanguineous thread...
Imprecatory Psalms Q&A
In today's post brother Smith Bibens answers questions about his presentation on the Imprecatory Psalms. Imprecatory Psalms Q&A MP3 Link
Imprecatory Psalms
Do the Imprecatory ('cursing') Psalms and Christian principles disagree? Some students of the Bible find it arduous to unite the “judgemental” language of some of the Psalms with the benevolent tenor of the New Testament. Doesn't Jesus teach that we should love our...
The Judaizers Q&A
Today we post the question and answer session that followed Mike Criswell's presentation on the Judaizers. The Judaizers Q&A MP3 Link