Unto Us A Child Is Born
Today we are thrilled to begin posting selected sermons from the 2015 New Year’s Meeting in Dothan, AL. The theme of this meeting was “Sacred Shadows” which emphasized the typology of the Old Testament, pointing to the reality found in the New. Our first sermon is...
The Rock That Followed Them
In this sermon from evangelist Roger Boone, he investigates the supernatural water from the wilderness rock and how it was a type of the eternal spiritual sustenance freely given our Lord (Exodus 17:6, John 4:14; 1 Corinthians 10:4). The Rock that followed them MP3...
Carl Ketcherside and his impact on the Restoration Movement
Carl Ketcherside began preaching at the age of 15 years and was a very controversial figure who espoused so-called 'open' fellowship among the churches of Christ. Evangelist Richard Bunner addresses the life and times of Ketcherside and his long-lasting influence on...
Who is the Angel of the Lord?
The Angel of the LORD was a prominent figure in the Old Testament. He appeared to men such as Abraham and Moses, and also to women like Hagar. The identity of the Angel of the LORD has often been disputed. Some see him as being no different from any other angelic...
Sons of God
One of the most historically misunderstood passages is Genesis 6:1 where some expositors claim to find fallen angels who have union with mortal women. Is this true? Or are the 'sons of God' simply human beings who obeyed God's teachings but were flawed in that they...
Calvinism in Romans 9
Romans Chapter 9 is a favorite site for Calvinists to "prove" their doctrine. In this sermon, evangelist Alan Bonifay uses the context and unity of scripture to show the theme of the Apostle Paul is that both Jews and Gentiles who have faith in Christ will be saved...
Rivers of Living Water
What did Jesus mean when He spoke of 'living water?' Evangelist Johnny Elmore addresses this fascinating subject in this sermon. Rivers of Living Water MP3 Link Rivers of Living Water Q&A MP3 Link
Roy Cogdill and His Impact on the Restoration Movement
Many people may have never heard the name Roy Cogdill, but his preaching career has left an indelible imprint on churches associated with the American Restoration Movement, especially pertaining to what is often called the “institutionalism” controversy. In this...
Unlocking Ecclesiastes
In this sermon, evangelist Ron Courter addresses the mysterious and impactful book of wisdom literature known as the book of Ecclesiastes. Sometimes known as the 'problem child' of the Bible, Ecclesiastes asks the difficult questions of life and guides the reader into...
The Christology of Isaiah
The book of Isaiah contains a number of prophetic glimpses of the Lord Jesus Christ - so many that Isaiah is sometimes referred to as the 'messianic prophet.' In this sermon evangelist Nate Bibens addresses this fascinating subject. The Christology of Isaiah MP3...