Are There Saved People In Denominations?
In this sermon evangelist Johnny Elmore contends that God is no respecter of persons. Therefore, when we hear what people in the New Testament heard, when we believe what they believed, when we obey what they obeyed, then we receive what they received, and we become...
Is the Church of Christ a Denomination Q&A
Today we post the question and answer session that followed evangelist Ronny Wade's presentation. Is the Church of Christ a Denomination Q&A MP3 Link
Is The Church of Christ a Denomination?
Is there such a thing as the Lord’s church? Are there saved people in the denominations of the religious world? In today’s sermon evangelist Ronny Wade contends that the church that Jesus built is not a part or a fraction of anything. It is the complete and total body...
The Sonship of Christ Q&A
The Sonship of Christ Q&A Today we post the Question and Answer session that followed Mike Criswell's presentation on the 'Sonship of Christ.'
The Sonship of Christ
The Sonship of Christ Mp3 Link In the history of Christianity the term 'Son of God' has been the subject of some controversy. For example, when did Jesus become the Son of God? Was He always the Son of God? Is there a point in time when He became the Son of God, and...
Scripture and Slavery Q&A
Scripture and Slavery Q&A MP3 Today we post the exciting and interesting followup to Shahe Gergian's enlightening study on slavery and scripture. We hope you listen carefully and consider the timelessness of God's holy word.
Scripture and Slavery
Scripture and Slavery MP3 Link In the modern world, few evils raise the ire of society like slavery. The most carnal secularist finds the idea of merchandising human beings utterly repugnant. From the brutal horrors of slavery in 19th century America, to the modern...
Is Baptism A Sacrament Q&A
Today we post the question and answer session that followed Roger Boone's sermon on 'Is Baptism A Sacrament?' Is Baptism A Sacrament? Q&A MP3 Link
Is Baptism A Sacrament?
Is Baptism A Sacrament? MP3 Link Today we post a sermon from evangelist Roger Boone that considers the status that baptism should have in the Christian doctrinal system. The New Testament scripture undeniably affirms the role of baptism in our salvation. Just Noah and...
Post Resurrection Appearances of the Lord Jesus Q&A
Post Resurrection Appearances of the Lord Jesus Question and Answer MP3 Link Today we post the question and answer session that followed Smith Biben's presentation on the harmonization of the post resurrection appearance accounts.