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Post Resurrection Appearances of Lord Jesus

Post Resurrection Appearances of the Lord Jesus MP3 Link The harmonization of the synoptic gospels and the timeline of the resurrection has been a challenge to believers for many generations. In today's post evangelist Smith Biben takes a well studied look at the...

The Genealogies of Jesus

Genealogies of Jesus MP3 Link Many may be inclined to think that genealogies in the Bible are unimportant. However, these lists of difficult-to-pronounce names served several important purposes, the greatest being to prove the Messianic lineage. In this sermon, Jimmy...


Have you ever wondered why demon possession seems to have such a significant role in the New Testament but is not present in the modern world? Answers to this question and others are found in evangelist Billy Dickinson's Mid-Missouri 2015 study on demonology....

Christ, the Amen

CHRIST, THE AMEN Mp3 Link Words matter, don't they? Did you know that even that little obscure word 'amen' that we say at the end of a prayer has deep significance and meaning? Sometimes we say 'amen' in a flippant and casual worldly manner but evangelist Billy...

Saints Will Rise

MP3 Link In this week's sermon, evangelist Billy Dickinson takes his thoughts from this text in Matthew 27:51-53: Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and...