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The Building

We are thrilled to introduce young Noah Howard, who makes his home in Oklahoma with his parents and sister. It was jokingly said by several that they felt they could call him “Dr. Howard” because although he is presently only 15 years old, we are quite confident that he could attain a doctorate in any field of study he set himself to master. He is a remarkably brilliant young man whose intelligence and keen ability to articulate will be clearly perceived by all who take time to listen to his sermon.

We rejoice that Mr. Howard (the descendent of Christians for many generations) has focused his energies and abilities toward the Faith of Jesus Christ! His knowledge is more than impressive for one of his age and we trust that in coming years it will only increase. Yet we rejoice to say that this sharpness of mind has not made him proud or haughty. Quite the contrary Noah Howard is one of the most respectful and gentlemanly souls of his generation (in this writer’s opinion). He is also firmly conservative in his stance for the truth.

At this point in his young life he is unsure about which career path he will choose, but we pray that whatever direction he goes it will be one of continued service to God and His Kingdom.

In this 6th installment in the ‘faith builders’ series Noah addresses “The Building” a thrilling look at the place of the Church in the scheme of redemption by comparing it in its antitypical fulfillment to the shadowy forms of the Tabernacle and Temple of Solomon. We encourage all to listen and learn these great truths from the Holy Scripture.

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